

    Richmond Shire Planning Scheme

    Milford Planning, in partnership with Planz Town Planning in Cairns, have been appointed by Richmond Shire Council to deliver a new planning scheme for this exciting part of the Queensland outback.

    Richmond Shire Council put out a tender to prepare a new planning scheme that is in accordance with the latest planning legislation, to replace the Shire’s current scheme which was adopted in 2005 and was prepared in accordance with the Integrated Planning Act 1997.  Milford Planning and Planz Town Planning were notified as being the successful project team in late 2016, and seek to work with Council and the local community to create an aspirational document that builds on what is special about the locality and reinforces the sense of place that positions Richmond Shire for the future.

    The township of Richmond is the administrative centre of the Richmond Shire, and is situated half way between Townsville and Mount Isa on the Flinders Highway. The Shire’s main industries include agriculture, tourism and mining.  The project team’s strategy to work closely with Council and the community which has involved attendance at Richmond for several weeks throughout the life of the project, to listen, meet, draft, present, map and write the planning scheme.

    In addition to the planning scheme documentation, Milford Planning are capable of and were appointed to complete the mapping associated with the planning scheme.  The associated mapping included both land use planning through the preparation of zone mapping, and overlay mapping to identify site specific constraints that have the potential to influence development.

    The project team submitted the draft planning scheme to the State for review in late 2017, and look forward to working with Richmond Shire Council throughout the public consultation, consequential amendments, and adoption of their new planning scheme.

    Milford Planning and Planz Town Planning have previously worked together to prepare and deliver the Hinchinbrook Shire Planning Scheme 2017.